Workshop on non-lichenized pyrenomycetoid fungi (Ascomycota)
Norwegian Institute for Nature Reseach organised a workshop from 2nd to 5th of May 2023 on non-lichenized pyrenomycetoid fungi with emphasis on species on leaves, herbs and grasses. The workshop gathered all together 10 people while several new species of Acomycota to Norway were identified.
Leading academic and other experts from the Nordic countries and Europe were gathered to a workshop to exchange skills and knowledge on an extremely diverse but poorly known morphological (polyphyletic) group of fungi, the non-lichenized pyrenomycetoids (Ascomycota). The workshop will be crucial to the Alphatax project (Surveys of pyrenomycetoid Ascomycota informed by host relations - species new to science of poorly studied families, and new country records). It increased the skills in identification, taxonomy and biosystematics of all participants and students from UiO and other institutions will be offered to attend. Several species new to science will were found, and a long list of new country records. Material was also collected for multimarker sequencing (including the ITS barcode region).
Parafenestella pseudosalicis som ble funnet i workshop.